01723 330629


Whole School Curriculum – 2024-2025

KS3 – Year 7 & 8 = 28 Lessons

English x 3

Maths x 3

Science x 3

Numeracy Intervention x 1

Literacy Intervention x 1

Art x 1

PSHE x 1

DEAR x 1

Food Studies x 1

Digital Studies x 1

PE x 2

Life Skills x 2

Humanities x 2

SEAL x 2

Outdoor studies x 2

Enrichment x 2

KS3 – Year 9 = 28 Lessons

English x 3

Maths x 3

Science x 3

Numeracy Intervention x 1

Literacy Intervention x 1

Art x 1

PSHE x 1

DEAR x 1

Food Studies x 1

Digital Studies x 1

PE x 2

SEAL x 2

Citizenship x 2

RE x 1


Outdoor Studies x 2

Enrichment x 2

KS4 – Year 10 & 11 = 28 Lessons

English x 4

Maths x 4

Science x 4

Numeracy Intervention x 1

Literacy Intervention x 1

Art x 1

PSHE x 1

DEAR x 1

Food Studies x 1

Digital Studies x 1

PE x 2

SEAL x 1

Citizenship x 2

RE x 1


Enrichment x 2

Additional Programmes attached to the curriculum:


Nurture Group

Curriculum Intent

The curriculum is designed with the intent to re-engage pupils as learners, have high expectation and ambition for all through the provision of opportunities in which they can be successful. We are an inclusive setting and as pupils are with us for varying lengths of time there is a need for a flexible and personalised curriculum. This enables pupils to progress to the next stage of their educational journey wherever their starting point. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum promoting SMSC, that assists with self-perception alongside social development, education and mental health. This provides pupils with the opportunity in obtaining life skills, resilience and critical thinking skills; enabling pupils to elevate themselves and have the knowledge and tools to make Post 16 decisions. The curriculum provides opportunities for all young people to learn and achieve, building on their existing
knowledge, skills and understanding to fulfil their academic potential and personal aspirations.


The national curriculum is a set of subjects and standards used by primary and secondary schools so children learn the same things. It covers what subjects are taught and the standards children should reach in each subject.

Follow this link to the Department of Education website.

Please use the links below to find out what our children will be taught.


Click on the subjects below to view the curriculum maps relevant to those topics


Curriculum Intent – Art

The intent of our art curriculum is to ensure pupils are offered a diverse course which is designed to engage, inspire and challenge, equipping them with a solid foundation of knowledge in the processes and the skills involved within art. They will be provided with the opportunity to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Pupils will be introduced to a variety of media, techniques and equipment to both challenge and address barriers to learning safely.  As pupils gain confidence and progress, they are encouraged to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design.  They are taught to think about their own lines of creative enquiry.  We show pupils how to evaluate and analyse creative ideas and understand where to make improvements to help develop their work further.

During this time pupils will be given the opportunity to develop and use subject specific language and key words through studying artists and art movements.

Pupils keep a working sketchbook and produce a portfolio of work which is then assessed towards AQA Unit Awards.

Curriculum map Art – KS3

Curriculum map Art – KS4


Curriculum Intent – Citizenship

The Citizenship curriculum here at the PRU exposes Year 10 pupils to the most important ideas, issues and legalities that will affect them during their lives. The Citizenship curriculum is knowledge rich, where pupils develop the awareness and understanding of democracy, the government and how laws are made and upheld. Citizenship also equips pupils with the skills to explore political and social issues critically, evaluate evidence, debate topics that will assist them in their life journey.

Curriculum Map Citizenship


Curriculum Intent – English

We believe that literacy is the key to unlocking our learners’ true potential, enabling them to achieve and develop as readers and writers and take a full role in society as confident communicators.

Learners of all abilities and ages are supported to engage with and experience a full range of texts, including writers such as Shakespeare, Dickens and Steinbeck. We plan reading and writing experiences that nurture within learners a love of language and the written heritage that inspires modern writing, whilst encouraging students to respond critically, analytically and confidently to what they read. Texts are selected with thought and care; we sensitively shape the books, poems and texts that we choose to explore around the interests, abilities and needs of each class.

The changing, specific literacy needs of all learners are closely monitored and responded to with a range of high- impact interventions, including: Star Reader; Literacy support; reading in tutor time as well as individual differentiation of texts and tasks within lesson.

At KS3 pupils are given the opportunity to study a broad range of texts both fiction and non-fiction, drama and poetry.

KS4 study GCSE and Functional Skills following the AQA syllabus of study. This enables pupils to have the opportunity to obtain qualifications in English Language and English Literature.

Curriculum Map English KS4

Curriculum Map English KS3



Curriculum Intent – Humanities

Our aim is to give KS3 pupils a broad and balanced knowledge of key aspects of the Humanities curriculum. We want to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to become rounded, well informed individuals. Opening pupil’s eyes to both the geographical world around them and historical events/eras that have shaped the world they live in today will help give them the confidence and knowledge to progress in the future. The blended curriculum of Geography, History and Religious Education focuses on making pupils positive and respected global citizens.

Humanities Curriculum Map

Life Skills

Curriculum Intent – Life Skills

The Life Skills Curriculum complements our academic lessons and provides pupils with broader development opportunities. Pupils build on their confidence, resilience and independence to develop strength of character and their social and emotional skills.  It also enhances pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

Each term, pupils are provided with a wide range of opportunities to nurture, develop and stretch their talents and interests and build on their aspirations to be enterprising and ambitious. A strong focus is be on providing pupils with the skills necessary to lead positive independent lives with regards to financing, pupils transport and managing their home living.

Curriculum Map Life Skills


Curriculum Intent – Maths

Our overall aim is to equip all of our pupils with the life skills they need to be able to flourish in the real world and promote a love of maths whilst transitioning forward to the next step of their educational journey. We aim to ensure that, regardless of background, ability and starting point, every pupil has a rich and meaningful mathematics education.

KS3 pupils study a range of maths curriculum strands; number, geometry, ratio and proportion, algebra and statistics. This will apply their understanding, reason about maths, problem solve and make connections across the subject and the wider curriculum.

KS4 pupils continue to study the same strands followed by an increase in GCSE style questioning, Functional Skills qualifications and then at the end of Year 11 pupils will be entered for GCSE examinations.

We use maths vocabulary and retrieval practice to enable pupils to feel confident in their lessons and their own ability to succeed.

We believe in a language rich environment and our aim is for pupils to leave us with the confidence to talk maths, do maths and apply maths to their everyday lives.

Curriculum map Maths Y7 & 8

Curriculum map Maths Y9

Curriculum map Maths Y10

Curriculum map Maths Y11


Curriculum Intent – PSHE

The intent when delivering PSHE is to allow flexibility in developing a relevant planned programme, integrated within a broad and balanced curriculum. Alongside this all pupils will have access to topic work on relationships education including age-appropriate sex education.

PSHE lessons are designed to help pupils develop the qualities and attributes they will need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. The programme of study will equip them to live healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible and balanced lives.

All topic work is planned at an appropriate level and addresses specific needs of a particular pupil/group with particular attention given to urgent needs where necessary.

Themes are carefully designed to safeguard and support pupils and are delivered in discrete groups or on a one-to-one basis if this is more appropriate.

Curriculum map PSHE – KS3

Curriculum map PSHE – KS4


Curriculum Intent – RE

RE is taught in accordance with The Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in North Yorkshire. We deliver an RE curriculum which is accessible to all and that will engage, inspire and challenge pupils equipping them with the knowledge and skills to answer challenging questions, explore different religious beliefs, values and traditions and develop a more rigorous understanding of religious traditions, beliefs and practices that are followed in our multi-cultural society.

RE KS3 Curriculum Map

RE KS4 Curriculum Map


Curriculum Intent – Science

The overall aim of the Science curriculum is to equip all of our pupils with the skills they need to be able to understand how the world around them relates to Science whilst transitioning forward to the next step of their educational journey. We aim to ensure that, regardless of background, ability and starting point, every pupil has a rich and meaningful Science education. This is taught through a variety of learning tasks in a curriculum that runs progressively from Year 7 to Year 11.

KS3 pupils study the three strands of Science: biology, physics and chemistry units whilst improving their practical science skills and science reasoning using the tools of literacy and numeracy.

KS4 pupils study the three strands of Science: biology, physics and chemistry while completing core practical’s lessons to enable them to become confident and ready to take the iGCSE Single Science exam at the end of Year 11. The curriculum incorporates learning from the AQA entry level qualification that runs alongside the GCSE so all pupils have the opportunity to obtain a qualification.

Curriculum Map Science Year 7 & 8

Curriculum Map Science Year 9

Curriculum Map Science Year 10

Curriculum Map Science Year 11