Welcome Back!

It’s the first week of ‘back to school’ and it is lovely to see so many of you happy to be back with us! Our new pupils have begun to settle in well, both with peers and teachers.
Mrs Ford (English) would like to give a special mention to her Y11’s, who have already completed their Speaking, Listening & Communication Exam’s, on the first week back! The other Y11 pupils will complete theirs in the coming week.

Mr Togwell (Science) has already carried out lots of practical investigations/experiments this week. Here’s one of our pupils looking at a sample of his own cells at different magnification strengths; from 40 to 400.
Our new enrichment groups have started back this week, the pupils have had the choice of; Arts & Crafts, Scarborough Live (photography & videography project), Beach School or a weekly session at a local gym.
This academic year our focus is improving attendance throughout the school. We will be following the local authorities’ guidance on unauthorised absences. We are going to continue our 100% attendance reward, throughout the school year.
Offering 2 x £50 vouchers termly and a huge £100 voucher for the highest attender of the school year. In the previous school year, pupils really got on board with this incentive and as a result, our winners received their vouchers for a variety of places such as; JD Sports, New Look, Dominos and Alpamare Water Park.
We would like to thank all parents and carers for their support regarding the importance of attendance in school.

Have a lovely weekend and bring on week 2!