Admissions Information
For school admissions information and access to an electronic application form, please use this link to visit the School Admissions page of the North Yorkshire Council website.
Admissions Offer
Here at SPRS we have a total of 40 places made up of preventative
placements and permanent exclusion places.
Preventative Placements
This means that schools can refer a pupil who is at the edge of permanent
exclusion. This is agreed through the Local Inclusion Panel who meet every 4
weeks. Pupils who are placed here with us are supported through a bespoke
programme of study which usually includes time here with us and time with
their mainstream school.
The plan is always for them to return either to their ‘home’ school or to an
alternate education provision to meet their needs.
We work closely with the ‘home’ school and communicate with them regularly
regarding the needs of the pupil.
Permanent Exclusion
This means a pupil has been excluded from their mainstream school and are
placed with us for a period of assessment until an alternative placement can
be provided.
These pupils are always directed to us from the Local Authority.
If a Year 11 pupil is permanently excluded the likelihood of them remaining
with us here at SPRS is high. During this time, they will have the opportunity to
complete GCSE study in core subjects of English, maths and science and sit
the exams here with us.
If your child is referred to SPRS parents will be contacted by the Headteacher
or Assistant Head to arrange an appointment to come in to the school and
have an admissions meeting. There will then be a period of time over the
forthcoming days that will be allocated to completing baseline assessments.
This is to assist us here at SPRS to assess the needs of the individual pupil, identify
any gaps in learning due to periods of absence and for us to be able to
differentiate work as required.
SPRS do not take referrals from parents and all enquiries should initially be
made with the mainstream school.