A glimpse into Food Tech

As always, it’s been a busy week here at the PRS, with lots of great things happening for all of our pupils. Here’s your first glimpse into our Food Tech lessons.
Food Technology
First up was Group 1. ‘R’ made home-made sausage rolls, just look at them – how delicious do they look? He was very proud of these, and rightly so! He invited nearly every single member of staff to have a nosey at them in the oven during break time. Well done ‘R’, you worked really hard on making these – I hope they tasted as good as they looked!

‘K’ also managed to rustle up some sausage rolls but spent most of her time crafting a beautiful rainbow cake, with sprinkles throughout the fluffy and golden sponge, finished off with a pink buttercream topping. Unfortunately, I wasn’t quick enough to get a photo of the cake as it got shared straight away at break time!
Over to Group 2 and ‘O’ got stuck in making a chicken and vegetable pie, there was absolutely no skimping here, this pie was full to the brim and decorated delicately with pastry stars. It came out cooked to perfection, so much so that our pupil said she’d like everyone to try it – so that we did! Lynne, our school cook served the pie at lunchtime the next day. Verdict? “Well nice.” and “That’s banging that.”